Friday, June 09, 2006


Collection of excess fat in the body, due to unused calories over a period of time results in overweight and obesity. Following tips will help in reducing the weight and effectively manage a healthy life.
1. Salt retains water in the body and it will be helpful to reduce salt intake.
2. Dietary discipline and knowledge will be of great help. Consumption of cakes, pastries, sweets will only increase the calories and will result in overweight/obesity.
It would be better to avoid food with high calories/ carbohydrates.
3. Planned and adequate consumption of fiber will help in weight reduction. It is strongly suggested that consumption of drinking water- atleast 3 litres a day will immensely help.
4. Consumption of beer/alcohol may be judiciously avoided.
5. Regular exercise helps in burning calories, increase insulin activity, increase muscle mass which burns more calories and improve the metabolic functions of body cells. Fast Waling is specially recommended exercise ( for atleast 45 minutes )

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