Saturday, November 18, 2006


Humor and laughter are the great gifts of nature to human beings. Most of the time, we do exactly the opposite- Get depressed and angry and spoil the health. The benefits of laughing and walking are vividly explained in this article, for the reader's use. In fact, knowledge on the medical benefits of laughing is gaining momentum now. There are various 'laughter clubs' where the members assemble and laugh aloud! It is a sight to watch. In fact, more than the member, the audience get more benefit, in my opinion, since they also burst out laughing, in a natural way! The second most important to supplement this schedule is fast walking- to your ‘laughter club’

Laughter- the best medicine:

Laughter has a contagious effect. When you laugh heartily, the effect is tremendous in boosting up your happiness as well health! A good hearty laugh can help:
• reduce tension / stress
• lower your blood pressure
• elevate mood
• boost immune system
• improve brain functioning
• protect the heart
• Ensure relaxation
• Gives a feeling of happiness.

Laughing relaxes the body and reduces problems associated with high blood pressure, strokes, arthritis, and ulcers. Some research suggests that laughter may also reduce the risk of heart disease. Historically, research has shown that distressing emotions (depression, anger, anxiety, and stress) are all related to heart disease.

I have a collection of excellent cartoons on various topics, which are being collected from the magazines and pasted in a notebook. Whenever I feel bad and get depressed, I go through the book and wow! I start with a smile and end with bursts of laughter!
Tip: Develop the habit to laugh at yourself- It helps a lot to improve health and your personality.


Walking helps to fight Diabetes.
Weight management and physical activity are the two basic foundations for the treatment of Diabetes-Type 2. Brisk walking for a minimum of 45 minutes, everyday, ensures good health. The benefits of walking are tremendous. In addition to managing weight control, walking helps to control cholesterol level, slows down bone loss due old age, and helps reduce anxiety and depression. It releases endorphins- the body’s natural pain relievers. Walking increases flexibility in joints, protects your heart and blood vessels, improves sleep quality, enhances your mood and boosts energy level. It improves pancreatic functions . It increases the metabolic functions. These are the few known health advantages of brisk walking. By Controlling diabetes, the related diseases are also controlled, which is a very vital and important health view point.

Get Ready- Start- Out you go- Laughing and Walking away from all obesity caused diseases.

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