Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Joint pain caused by inflammation of joints  can make it very difficult for any individual to remain physically active, contributing to an increased risk of obesity, high cholesterol or vulnerability to heart disease. Individuals with arthritis and joint pain are also at increased risk of depression, which may be related to fear of worsening symptoms.

In the previous post in this blog related to Joint Pain, we had

seen the effectiveness of Mudakkathaan Leaves (Cardiospermum halicababum) in curing joint pains. Now we shall see how Ginger helps individuals who suffer from joint pains.Ginger has been  in  use in Chinese, Japanese, and Indian medicine for hundreds of years

Ginger may also prevent the formation of blood clots and  is a natural blood thinner. It can also lower cholesterol and prevent blood platelets from clumping together.  Research also points to ginger for treating diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

How do we use Ginger?

1/2 a tsp of Ginger powder every day for joint pain works Wonders.
Mix it in warm water or  juice and take it.

Take a small piece of Ginger, crush it and put it in boiling water. 

5 grams of fresh ginger or 1 tsp of dried ginger, in divided doses throughout the day. Fresh or dried ginger can be added to stir-fries, curries, soups, or made into tea. I chop a two to three inch piece of fresh ginger, add it to a quart of water, a spoon of tea leaves and boil on the stove for 20 minutes. Add one to three drops of stevia to sweeten each cup of tea. Drink three cups daily for arthritic or muscle pain. Ginger enhances the taste of tea also!

In the next post, we shall discuss about the amazing quality of

Perandai juice (Cissus quadrangularis ) in treating joint Pain!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) is a naturally occurring single celled organism that turns sunlight into micronutrient life energy. It is one of early life forms originating more than 3.6 billion years ago, and its spiral shape is what gives it the common name spirulina.

Spirulina has amazing properties and in many ways can be considered a Super Food. It contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain, or herb. It’s composed of 60% highly digestible vegetable protein, has extremely high concentrations of beta carotene, vitamin B-12, iron and trace minerals, and the rare essential fatty acid GLA – Gamma-Linolenic Acid (which people who have not been breast fed do not have). It has a balanced spectrum of amino acids, cleansing chlorophyll, and the blue pigment, phycocyanin .

All the essential vitamins and minerals a body requires can be provided by spirulina, these provide a variety of benefits for the human body, like nourishment, mental clarity, assisting in cancer recovery, depression help and many others. Several scientific studies show spirulina to have the ability to inhibit viral replication; in particular it was found that 5-10 mg/ml of spirulina will inhibit the HIV-1 virus otherwise known as the AIDS virus.

Benefits from taking 5-10 grams of spirulina every day;

• Increases the CD4 count – Strengthens the immune system (particularly useful for
HIV/ AIDS patients.
• Increases RNA (Ribonucleic acid) in the brain for more energy
• The beta carotene (contains 10 times more that of carrots) is an excellent source of disease fighting
antioxidants, and is also good for healthy eyes and vision.
• Contains vegetable protein and amino acids to build muscle
• High concentration of B Vitamins; which not only break down carbohydrate and lipids but also maintain
cardiovascular health.
• It is also an excellent anti-inflammatory, which is an essential benefit to arthritis patients and prevents heart disease.
• Contains anti-aging properties.
• Improves digestive health
• Contains easy to absorb iron supplements ideal for women and children.
• Reduces cancer with antioxidant protection

What some Institutions and Organizations have said about spirulina :

• The Immune System Miracle Worker (San Francisco Medical Research Foundation)

• Worlds’ Most Powerful Food (biotech-firm.com)

• Spirulina is the most ideal food for mankind (United Nations Recommendation)

• Spirulina: Food for the future (Publication by the USDA – United States Department of Agriculture).

• “There is a need for both national governments and inter-governmental organizations to re-evaluate the potential of Spirulina to fulfil both their own food security needs as well as a tool for their overseas development emergency response efforts” - The UN-Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) Report on Spirulina 2008.

• “For WHO, Spirulina represents an interesting food for multiple reasons, rich in iron and protein, and is able to be administered to children without any risk. We at WHO consider it a very suitable food.” - United Nations World Health Organization (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland June 8Th, 1993

• Spirulina- was declared by the United Nations World Food Conference of 1974 as the best food for the


Spirulina : A Livehood And A Business Venture
Antonio Piccolo

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

                     JOINT PAIN ! 
                  NATURAL REMEDY

Joint Pain is a very common ailment but the relief from allopathic medicines is temporary, with severe side effects.  Nature mother has provided us with superb medicinal plants for such ailments. To treat and cure joint pain, the medicinal plant is known as 'MUDAKATHAN KEERAI'  in Tamil, ( south India) and widely used by Siddha vaidya. I have personal experience of the medicinal benefits of this plants.

Mudakathan Keerai  is known as Indravalli in Sanskrit. Its botanical name is Cardiospermum halicababum and belongs to the suapberry family . It is a woody perennial climbiling plant with large ornamental seed pods that resemble balloons.  Hence it is called BALLOON VINE in English. Originating from Tropical Asia, Africa and america, it is named as weed !

Health Benefits of Mudakathan in Joint Pain Cure


Take a handful of Mudakathan leaves, wash it three or four times. Add two cups of water, 1 Tablespoon cumin seeds and a pinch of Asafoetida. Let it boil for 5 minutes. If the water reduces to half the amount, stop heating, add a pinch of pepper powder.Drink warm on every morning ( freshly prepared). This is the best treatment for joint pain.

The leaves washed and cut into small pieces can be added to Dosa / Idly Batter ( favourite dish of south Indians ) . 



Note the shape and size of leaves and the seed for identifying the plant.

Further Information:

The link to wikipedia  en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiospermum

The plant grows in abundance in South India- ( Tamil Nadu)