Friday, June 09, 2006


Excess weight and obesity are the major contributing reasons for insulin resistance and onset of Diabetes. Once diabetes sets in, it paves way for diseases causing irrepairable damage to the body and systems. Following few are in the endless list of complications and diseases arising out of obesity and diabetes.
1. Low back Pain
2. Arthritis and knee pain
3. sciatic pain
4. Thickening of the walls of arteries.
5. Coronary diseases
6. High blood pressure
7. Damage to blood vessels and damage to eyes leading to blindness
8. Kidney damage
9. Numbness, insensitivity and sometimes resulting in amputation of limbs
10 Cardio vascular diseases
11 Erectyle disfunction

The list is endless. It is only wise and prudent to keep body weight under check and avoid being overweight and obese. Exercise alone cannot contribute to weight reduction since it is only moderate. Again, starvation is not the salvation to weight reduction since it denies the body the required nutrition and energy. Only genuine nutrtional products, which are low in calories, fat and carbohydrates and high in vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and other nutrients which are to be used as food replacement/ supplement would effectively reduce weight and obesity. While the system gets the required nutrition, the ailments like blood pressure, high sugar in blood also are controlled.

Herbalife is one such institution which manufactures high quality SOY protein, products with required minerals and vitamins, with proven record over the past 25 years is available in the market, spread over 62 countries.

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