Sunday, June 11, 2006


Gout is a condition, where high levels of uric acid, which causes inflammation of joints and excruiating pain. Decreased functions of kidney, or defect in matabolism that results in over production of uric acid are the major reasons. Certain drugs which interfere with uric acid excretion may also cause gout.

Following are the tips to treat Gout.
1. Adequate intake of drinking water is essential.
2. Since Obesity is closely linked with Arthritis/Gout, weight reduction is an essential requirement.
3. Dietary changes, where vegetables containing high level of pureen are avoided. Red Meat and shell fish are to be avoided.
4. Reduction of alcohol consumption.
5. Reducing dietary fat.
6. Regular aerobic exercise.
7. Reduce fried / rosted food. Lack of vitamin 'E' is linked with increase in uric acid.

Though Gout is not completely curable by medicines, further damage can be controlled.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Following are the tips to control diabetes

1. Change the dietary habits to reduce intake of sugar and carbohydrates and increase the intake of fiber and vitamins.
2. Enough physical exercise, which must include 45 minutes of brisk walking.
3. Keep emotions under check and avoid anger and worries, to the extent possible.
4. Divide the intake of food into smaller portions at regular intervals.
5. Avoid intake of salt which increases the blood pressure and aggravates the problems of diabetes.
6. Intake of food containing magnesium helps in production of insulin.
7. Juice of bitter melon, taken in empty stomach, helps in a great way to control diabetes and reduce blood sugar. It also helps in curing psoriasis.
8. Other nutrients- Zinc, Vitamin B complex and vitamin C are good in controlling blood sugar
9. Intake of fenugreek with milk will reduce blood sugar and control diabetes
10.Consumption of Jamun fruit and its powdered seeds will control diabetes.
11.Consumption of Garlic will control blood sugar
12. Soak tender leaves of neem plant and tulsi plant for 10 minutes and drink the water. It controls blood sugar.
13. Spinach and cereal fiber help in controlling this dreadful disease
14. Almond nuts reduce blood sugar


Collection of excess fat in the body, due to unused calories over a period of time results in overweight and obesity. Following tips will help in reducing the weight and effectively manage a healthy life.
1. Salt retains water in the body and it will be helpful to reduce salt intake.
2. Dietary discipline and knowledge will be of great help. Consumption of cakes, pastries, sweets will only increase the calories and will result in overweight/obesity.
It would be better to avoid food with high calories/ carbohydrates.
3. Planned and adequate consumption of fiber will help in weight reduction. It is strongly suggested that consumption of drinking water- atleast 3 litres a day will immensely help.
4. Consumption of beer/alcohol may be judiciously avoided.
5. Regular exercise helps in burning calories, increase insulin activity, increase muscle mass which burns more calories and improve the metabolic functions of body cells. Fast Waling is specially recommended exercise ( for atleast 45 minutes )


Excess weight and obesity are the major contributing reasons for insulin resistance and onset of Diabetes. Once diabetes sets in, it paves way for diseases causing irrepairable damage to the body and systems. Following few are in the endless list of complications and diseases arising out of obesity and diabetes.
1. Low back Pain
2. Arthritis and knee pain
3. sciatic pain
4. Thickening of the walls of arteries.
5. Coronary diseases
6. High blood pressure
7. Damage to blood vessels and damage to eyes leading to blindness
8. Kidney damage
9. Numbness, insensitivity and sometimes resulting in amputation of limbs
10 Cardio vascular diseases
11 Erectyle disfunction

The list is endless. It is only wise and prudent to keep body weight under check and avoid being overweight and obese. Exercise alone cannot contribute to weight reduction since it is only moderate. Again, starvation is not the salvation to weight reduction since it denies the body the required nutrition and energy. Only genuine nutrtional products, which are low in calories, fat and carbohydrates and high in vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre and other nutrients which are to be used as food replacement/ supplement would effectively reduce weight and obesity. While the system gets the required nutrition, the ailments like blood pressure, high sugar in blood also are controlled.

Herbalife is one such institution which manufactures high quality SOY protein, products with required minerals and vitamins, with proven record over the past 25 years is available in the market, spread over 62 countries.

Thursday, June 08, 2006


One of my college professors often used to make these comments: Take your breakfast alone; share your lunch with someone; offer your dinner to your enemy. I once replied back that the kind of food they served in our college canteen, all the three were to be offered to enemies only. Jokes apart, common belief and habit for most of us to shed extra weight is to starve, and deprive nutrition and energy to the body for its activities. In any case, starvation is not the salvation for permanent weight loss. Sooner or later, when we get bored, we get back to our sedantary life style , without being aware of the hazards of obesity.

Obesity is a Trojan horse. It brings a battalion of ailments which are most detrimental to our health. To name a few, following are the complications that could arise out of obesity and overweight.

1. Hyper tension
2. Diabetes (Tpe 2 )
3. Coronary heart disease
4. Stroke
5. Gall bladder disease
6. Osteo Arthritis
7. Asthma
8. Sleep Apnea and respiratory problems
9. Some cancers ( endometrial, breast cancer and colon )
10.High Level of cholesterol
11.Kidney failure, blindness ( due to diabetes which is the result of being obese)

This is an unending list, where each of the above ailments are capable of creating other complications, where no medication without side effect, could be comfortably used. Prevention is the best cure for diabetes and obesity. How to achieve this ?

My friend, who was obese, went to a doctor, along with me. The doctor was a friend to both of us and he smiled at my friend, looking at his obese condition. He said that it was very simple to lose weight! My friend became very interested and asked him to suggest the way. Doctor seriously suggested that my friend had to shake his head, may be for ten times a day, from left to right and he would lose weight ! My friend became very curious and asked him " What is the idea ? " The doctor calmy replied,
"whenever someone offers anything to eat, shake your head from left to right "
Simple, isn't it ? It is simple, but requires discipline, which is not simple. But, then, habit makes discipline. Avoiding junk food and fast food must be done with a discipline.

Besides, exercise is the best option to increase muscular mass and reduce fat. It also increases the metabolic rate and ensures high level of energy and enthusiasm. Good
nutritional products, which supplement / replace regular food may be used, once a day to check weight increase, reduce weight, increase energy levels and support the system to heal ailments, which are mostly nutrition related.